Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Out of “Focus”

When I was in my previous company “Focus” this was my schedule
900hrs. or some the 925hrs I awake to get start to Focus
Again! Counting the days remains for weekend I reached
late again and it’s quotidian. And my boss, instead of shouting
on me he started cutting my salary. I was used to of this so I have no guilty.
After busy day which is very rare in a week my eyes was searching for and “madiraalaya” or chemist shopee to buy a quarter of rum and some W10. I usually
prefer to reach 8/16 without sense and with hallucination. Who ever in the 8/16 near evening I scan there some feminine articles which facilitate me to arose
and release after hash of any thing like hash. Before leaving office Anshu take me so that we preserve and hallucinate together and create a new hazy dusk to release with imagination of feminine appearance at 8/16 and some south Indian teens. After the addicted release I used to gag to have more stuff. After this death, dawn overcome and again I used to count the days leftovers to weekend with my boss at “FOCUS”

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