Every Morning I start my day reading news paper. If the paperboy is late then he at least listen one dialogue from me.
I should not say that I am so called very intelligent enough to talk about corruption and politic but I should also not stop thinking about it. To be frank, I am little blunt talking about this topic. There is not even a single page in the New Paper where corruption is not published. Pick any topic say, Politics, Games, Finance, Fuel, Police, Communications, Security threat, Science or Cinema. Corruption kissed every one every place. There are few lines which seem to be right say Gold Price, Silver Price, Stock market ups and downs. Some funny cartoons, talk about Sex. If I open the city news in the New Paper it’s full of nudity. And this is the first thing I want to glance as common human being. I don’t know what impact it will give to the under age’s. If sensor board is for differentiate the A and U certified movies then which board are there to regulate porn in the news paper.
Let’s not move out from the subject - If I watch news channels to update myself for what is latest happening, I get irritated about the redundant talk/new whole day. I feel that headlines are just good to know about what are the latest. For details programs we don’t have time and we don’t need to get into that details. One of the leading news channels was explaining about the heavy rain in Mumbai recently and saying that “You can see the water level on the road is coming to my knees!!” and the moment camera focused down and the water level was hardly touch his feet. May be its right or they were late to capturing the water level at the correct time.
I tried to watch some other entertainment channels. Some programs are threatening the participants on the reality shows like dance, fear factor, singing. All the judges or hosts are just making the noise and showing their anger. The participants are abusing on national television thinking they are so called modern and latest.
The music channels are not less than porn videos which are showing the item numbers. Sex is famous and everyone likes including me. The kind of music now days are good but the lyrics are just gone off. Either the lyrics are copied from the old melodies or the new lyrics are so vulgar. New lyricists are no longer having good romantic sensible words to add in their songs. I just prefer to listen only melodies now or I would say I am depended on it.
Adopting this entire thing, still I am not unhappy. The thing is, I don’t want to take the responsibility to clean this mess. I just know if the road is bad, ware rubber shoes instead building the rubber coated road. Gandhi well said – You clean yourself first, rest will be cleaned it selves.
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