Saturday, March 26, 2011

An eveing just mine after a long time!!

I shut the door of my bathroom and dried my hairs. I am sitting at barista coffee house in my favorite white shirt and blue jean on the leather shoes. Parking my car was so easy today. May be I am lucky today. I glanced at the people around me and found a nice place to sit. After some time I fetched some black coffee and an Almond Raisin. While I writing I was looking some one who is sitting alone. I was watching people around me there movements expressions their attire. Some fake some real some with love some with lust, some for business. I saw a couple of young girls who looked me lasbo. One with fully girly look and another with the tom boy look. A group of four where two boys and two girls staring each other’s pair. Some confused. A married couple was fighting to order the favorite for the menu. I don’t want to know why they are fighting.

There is lovely music in air and the Barista band color with the own kind of lights and tables are making the good ambience. Its little hot bit breeze was still kissing the face. The aroma of coffee is spreading freshness in the air.

My mood is good and relaxed after the hectic week, full of work. My last five weeks was restless. I want to tell you the story but not in this blog but in the next.

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