Saturday, February 04, 2006

Air Pulls Sound

Lust comes from beneath of sense
that lust having some flavor of Chhattisgarh
Fog eliminate the consciousness until puke
i was feeling like zero gravity ,..... i was fully concius but only by mind
physically im looking myself layed on the sand ........
sexuall desire comming ........ feeling like desaster
colours are blinking ..... rippels punched my mind........
all are this pulling myself at zenith.......
i was hangginging on the boundry like wet bra
and getiing the sooth wave shrinking myself
looking the stone and pabbles drastically very gaint
all are avoiding me from earth ...... telling me get off....
get offffffffff .......
some one said me Come to me ... hear I'm for you touch me, feel me ....
and now by my trimbeld touch AIR PULLS ME
Only with....... sound

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