Saturday, September 23, 2006

Meeting With Rascales

How fast time is? Really I dont remember that when I joined my schools, and collage, JOB Searching, Job Getting, Searching Gal, marriage......... and all...... See now I am knowing that life is too short and we have to achive alot.... we have many things to do, many peoples to meet, many places to see, many moments to love, many moments ................... how far is death we can'nt expect.... but before Death we have to meet all above..... what god written on our scrap book. So we have to be very very fast in our life without wasting time on thinking BULSHITS !
We have so many Rascals to load, But our head is small, So take care of Rascalses one by one cause God already written in our scapbook to meet with all Rascals..........